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英语中句子的结构(Rewriting Title Structuring a New Title Based on the Sentence Structure of the original English Title)

作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/1/18 16:41:54 人气:10 加入收藏 标签:the ing in is and


As an editor, one of the most important factors to consider when writing is the title structure. A well-structured title can not only help attract more readers, but it can also improve the ranking of the article. In this article, we will explore how to restructure a title based on the sentence structure of the original English title.

Understanding the Original Title Sentence Structure

The first step in restructuring a title is to understand the original sentence structure. English sentences typically consist of a subject, verb, and object. In the case of a title, the subject is often a keyword or topic, the verb is typically an action word, and the object is the focus or outcome of the action.

Identifying the Main Keyword or Topic

When rewriting a title, it is important to first identify the main keyword or topic. This is typically the subject of the sentence and should be prominently displayed in the title. Including the main keyword or topic in the title can help improve the article's ranking and attract readers who are searching for that specific topic.

Adding Action Words to Create Interest

Once the main keyword or topic has been identified, the next step is to add action words to create interest. Action words are typically verbs that describe the action being taken in the article. By adding action words, the title becomes more engaging and can attract a reader's attention.

Highlighting the Outcome or Benefits

The final step in restructuring a title is to highlight the outcome or benefits. This is typically the object of the sentence and can help attract readers who are interested in the benefits of the article. By highlighting the outcome or benefits, the title becomes more valuable to the reader and can increase the likelihood of them reading the article.


Restructuring a title based on the sentence structure of the original English title can help improve the ranking of an article and attract more readers. By understanding the original sentence structure, identifying the main keyword or topic, adding action words, and highlighting the outcome or benefits, a well-structured title can be created that engages readers and provides value.

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