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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/1/9 13:41:00 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:ing me the and for

Expressing Gratitude in English

Showing gratitude is an essential human gesture that enhances the quality of our relationships as well as our emotional and mental wellbeing. Whether you want to thank someone for a good deed, gesture, or just for being there, using the right words can go a long way in expressing your appreciation. In this article, we will explore various ways of expressing gratitude in English, including thank you notes, emails, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations.

Thank You Notes and Emails

Thank you notes and emails are a thoughtful way to express gratitude when you want to thank someone for their time, effort or a particular gift. Here are some tips on how to write a thank you note or email:

Start with a greeting that is appropriate for the recipient

Begin with a sentence expressing your gratitude

Explain why you are grateful, highlighting specific actions or gifts

End with a closing sentence that expresses your appreciation confidently

Sign off with a suitable phrase, such as "Sincerely," "Thank You," or "Best Regards"

Include a subject line that specifies the reason for your message

For example, if you receive a gift from a friend, you could write something like:

Dear [Friend's Name],

Thank you so much for [gift]! I was thrilled to receive it and deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness. Your kindness means a lot to me, and I feel grateful for your friendship. Thank you again for thinking of me.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Phone Calls

If you want to thank someone in a more personal way, making a phone call can be an excellent option. Here are some tips for expressing gratitude over the phone:

Choose a suitable time when the recipient is free to talk

Start by greeting the recipient warmly

Express your gratitude briefly and clearly

Give specific examples of what you are thankful for

End the conversation on a positive note, such as wishing them a good day

For example:

"Hello Jane, it's [Your Name]. I just wanted to call and say thank you for all your help yesterday. Your support made a huge difference, and I feel grateful for your kindness. I appreciate you always being there for me, and I'm lucky to have you as a friend."

Face-to-Face Conversations

Expressing gratitude face-to-face can be challenging for some people, but it is an effective way to show genuine appreciation. Here are some tips for expressing gratitude in person:

Choose an appropriate time and place, where you and the recipient can both speak comfortably

Start by greeting them warmly and thanking them for their time

Be specific about what you are grateful for and why

Express your appreciation honestly and from the heart

End the conversation on a positive note, such as a smile or a hug

For example:

"Hi Jane, it's so good to see you. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for coming to my party last week. Your presence made the night even more special, and I feel grateful for your friendship. I appreciate your kindness and support, and I hope we can catch up soon."


Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to strengthen relationships, improve our emotional and mental wellbeing, and create positive energy in the world. Whether we choose to write thank you notes, make phone calls, or have face-to-face conversations, using the right words and expressions can make all the difference. So, take a moment today to say "thank you" to someone who has made a difference in your life. You might be surprised at how much it means to them - and to you.

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