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角度不同的句子(Angle-Based Title Crafting a New Headline in Less than 50 Words)

作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/1/1 11:14:06 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:in ing


As an editor, your job is to create content that not only interests readers but also improves search engine ranking. However, in today's fast-paced digital age, simply writing an informative article is no longer enough. You need to look at creating headlines that are catchy, eye-catching and optimized for search engines. This article will guide you through the process of crafting a new headline in less than 50 words by adopting a new perspective - the angle-based approach.

Understanding the Angle-Based Approach

The angle-based approach involves looking at a topic from a different perspective. Instead of focusing on keywords, you concentrate on the angle of the article. For example, if you're writing about "how to lose weight", instead of focusing on the general topic, you might focus on "how to lose weight while traveling". This angle-based approach allows you to come up with a unique headline that stands out from all the other cookie-cutter articles online.

Creating a Headline That Grabs Attention

Once you have chosen your angle, it's time to create a headline that grabs your reader's attention. Your headline needs to be both informative and catchy, with just the right amount of keywords. Avoid using clickbait phrases that exaggerate the content of your article. Instead, stick to using clear and concise language that accurately reflects the angle of your article. Use numbers and "how-to" phrases to make your headline more appealing to your readers.

Optimizing Your Headline for Search Engines

While creating a catchy headline is important, you also need to make sure it's optimized for search engines. The first step is to incorporate relevant keywords that reflect your article's angle. You should also aim to keep the headline under 50 characters so that it doesn't get cut off in search engine results. Try to place your primary keywords towards the beginning of your headline for maximum impact.

Examples of Successful Angle-Based Headlines

"10 delicious gluten-free desserts for summer" is an example of an angle-based headline. Instead of focusing solely on "gluten-free desserts," the writer has taken the angle of summertime and combined it with gluten-free options. This unique angle not only makes the article stand out but also caters to a specific audience looking for seasonal dessert options. Another example is "How to stay fit while working from home." This angle-based headline talks to people who work from home; the writer is connecting with a specific audience. These examples show how an angle-based approach can help create a headline that not only stands out but also meets the reader's specific needs.


Crafting an angle-based headline isn't rocket science; it just takes a little extra thought before hitting the publish button. By taking an angle-based approach, you can create a headline that is both catchy and optimized for search engines. Remember, headlines are the first impression that readers have of your article. By investing time in creating a great headline, you increase your chances of driving traffic to your site and keeping readers engaged.

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