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购物英语句子(Essential English Phrases for Shopping in Everyday Life)

作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2023/12/31 12:55:39 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:ing me he for


Shopping is an essential part of our everyday life for most of us. Whether it's for daily necessities or for leisure activities, shopping is necessary. However, shopping in a foreign country or even in your own country can be quite challenging if you don't speak the language or understand the cultural nuances. In this article, we will share some essential English phrases for shopping that will help you navigate through your shopping experience smoothly.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

When you enter a store, it's always polite to greet the salesperson. Here are some basic phrases you can use:

Hello/Hi, how are you?

Excuse me, do you speak English?

Thank you

You're welcome

Finding What You Need

Knowing how to ask for what you need is important. Here are some phrases you can use:

Can you help me find...?

Where can I find...?

Do you have...?

Could you show me...?

I'm looking for...

Asking for Recommendations

If you're not sure what to buy, asking for recommendations from the salesperson can be helpful. Here are some phrases you can use:

What do you recommend?

What's your best seller?

Can you suggest something for...?

What's popular here?

Talking About Price

Negotiating prices can be quite tricky, but here are some phrases that can help:

How much does this cost?

Is there a discount?

Can you give me a better price?

What's your final price?

Finalizing Your Purchase

When you're ready to make your purchase, here are some common phrases you can use:

I'll take this one

Can I pay by credit card?

Do you accept cash?

Can I have a receipt, please?


Shopping can be overwhelming, especially when communicating in a language that's not your own. However, these essential phrases should be handy to help you communicate with the salespeople and shop with ease. Make sure to practice these phrases beforehand, and you'll be much more prepared for your next shopping trip.

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