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高考英语开头万能句子(These Must-Know English Phrases)

作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2023/12/9 10:57:31 人气:5 加入收藏 标签:the ing in and English

Master These Essential English Phrases to Start Your High School Entrance Exam with a Bang

As a high school entrance exam candidate, it is essential to be fully prepared for the English-language section of the test. Acing this section demands a good grasp of essential English phrases and expressions. In this post, we share with you some must-know English phrases that can help you start your high school entrance exam with a bang.

Ace Your High School Entrance Exam with These Must-Know English Phrases

1. In my opinion…- You can use this phrase to convey your personal view. When deploying it, make sure to support your viewpoint with reason(s).

2. On the one hand/on the other hand… - This phrase comes in handy when presenting arguments that have both for and against positions. The use of this phrase can help you present a balanced argument.

3. Furthermore/moreover… -These phrases are useful connectors as they signal that the following sentence contains additional information.

4. First of all/secondly/lastly… - This trio of phrases signals the order of your presentation, making it easier for the examiner to follow your points and arguments.

5. Similarly… - You can use this phrase to note the similarity or resemblance between two or more ideas, situations, or items.

6. In conclusion/To conclude… - These phrases are perfect for emphasizing your final point in a given section of the test.

7. However/nevertheless… - These two phrases come in handy when introducing a contrasting view or argument.

8. In addition to/As well as… - These two phrases are used when adding information to something that has already been mentioned.

The Benefits of Mastering Essential English Phrases for Your High School Entrance Exam

Mastering the above essential English phrases comes with several benefits, including:

1. Improved communication skills: Mastering the phrases can improve your overall communication skills. You learn how to express your ideas and opinions more effectively, using a balanced and logical approach.

2. Better score on your high school entrance exam: The English language section of the high school entrance exam is graded according to the test taker's ability to use essential English phrases. Mastering these phrases can help you ace the exam, improving your chances of being admitted to a good high school.

3. Better academic performance: Mastering these phrases helps you sharpen your critical thinking and communication skills, which can, in turn, translate to better academic performance in other subjects.


As a high school entrance exam candidate, mastering the essential English phrases shared in this post can make all the difference in your communication and exam performance. Take the time to study and practice them, and you'll be on your way to acing the English section of your high school entrance exam.

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