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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2023/12/9 10:52:22 人气:11 加入收藏 标签:the is ing me in


Good communication skills are essential to success in all aspects of life and the ability to speak English fluently is increasingly important in today’s globalized world. The English language is the most widely spoken language across the world, and it is no surprise that it is often tested during the English proficiency tests. The English high school oral test is one such proficiency test that requires excellent English language skills to clear it. In this article, we will take a look at some of the common phrases and vocabulary that can be used during the English high school oral test.

Starting the conversation

When starting the conversation, it is best to introduce yourself and greet the examiner. Some commonly used phrases to start the conversation are:

Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is (your name)

How do you do? I’m (your name)

Nice to meet you, I’m (your name)

After the introduction, it is best to ask the examiner how they are doing and show interest in the conversation. Some useful phrases are:

How are you today?

Did you have a good day so far?

What’s new with you?

Expressing opinions

During the conversation, you will be asked various questions and you will need to express your opinions on them clearly. Some useful phrases to express opinions are:

In my opinion…

From my perspective…

I believe that…

From my experience…

It is also important to give examples to support your opinion, so some useful phrases here can be:

For example…

One such instance is…

To illustrate…

Agreeing and disagreeing

During the conversation, you may be asked to agree or disagree with the examiner on various topics. Some useful phrases to agree are:

I couldn’t agree with you more.

Yes, I think you’re right.

That’s a good point.

Some useful phrases to disagree are:

I’m afraid I have to disagree.

I’m not sure I agree with that.

Well, I’m afraid I have a different perspective.

Asking for clarification

If you are unsure of what the examiner is asking or would like some clarification, it is perfectly acceptable to ask. Some useful phrases to ask for clarification are:

Could you please rephrase the question?

Could you clarify what you mean?

I’m not entirely sure I understand. Could you explain further?


The English high school oral test can be daunting, but with practice and preparation, you can ace it with ease. The above phrases and vocabulary can be immensely helpful during the test and can help you stand out amongst your peers. Remember, practice makes perfect, so practice as much as you can and don't be afraid to make mistakes during the test.

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