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独立宣言经典句子英文(Famous Phrases from the Declaration of Independence in English)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/11/19 10:36:33 人气:11 加入收藏 标签:the in me is and be


The Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, is one of the most important documents in American history. It declared the United States of America as an independent nation and set forth the principles upon which the country was founded. The document contains many famous phrases that have become part of the American lexicon. In this article, we will explore some of the most well-known phrases from the Declaration of Independence in English.

All Men are Created Equal

One of the most famous phrases in the Declaration of Independence is "all men are created equal." This phrase forms the foundation of the American belief in equality and was instrumental in the fight for civil rights. It means that all individuals have equal rights, regardless of their social or economic status. This phrase has been quoted time and time again throughout history to support various movements striving for equality.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Another well-known phrase from the Declaration of Independence is "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This phrase represents three of the most important rights that all individuals should enjoy in a free society. Life represents the right to exist, liberty represents the freedom to act, and the pursuit of happiness represents the ability to pursue one's dreams and goals. This phrase has become a guiding principle for the American people, and it has been used to promote both individual and societal freedom.

Governments Derive their Powers from the Consent of the Governed

A critical element of the Declaration of Independence is the idea that governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed. This means that the government serves at the will of the people, and its powers come from the people it serves. This principle has been a foundational concept in American democracy, and it serves as a reminder that the ultimate authority lies with the people.

The Right to Alter or Abolish a Government

One of the most radical ideas included in the Declaration of Independence is the right of the people to alter or abolish a government that does not serve their needs. This means that if the government fails to fulfill its duties or becomes oppressive, the people have the right to overthrow it and establish a new government in its place. This concept has been a driving force behind many revolutions and has been used to inspire people fighting for democracy around the world.


The Declaration of Independence is one of the most significant documents in American history, and its principles have helped shape the nation for centuries. The famous phrases included in the document serve as a reminder of the values that the country was founded upon and continue to inspire people striving for a more just and equitable society. From the belief in equality to the right to revolution, these principles have been a guiding force for Americans and will continue to be for generations to come.

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