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辩论赛英文常用句子Top Common Phrases Used in English Debates)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/11/16 11:11:36 人气:15 加入收藏 标签:ing in me and


Debating is an important way of expressing opinions and ideas in a structured and respectful manner. The art of debate involves making persuasive arguments and rebutting opposing views. In order to be an effective debater, one must have a strong command of the English language and be able to use relevant phrases and expressions to make a convincing case.

Main Points of a Debate

During a debate, there are several key phrases and expressions that can be used to make a persuasive argument. Firstly, stating opinions clearly and concisely is important. For example, "In my opinion..." or "I strongly believe that..." can be used to introduce arguments. Additionally, it is often useful to provide supporting evidence for your argument, such as "according to recent research..." or "studies have shown that..."

Another important aspect of a debate is properly acknowledging and responding to opposing views. Common phrases used in such circumstances include "I understand your point, but..." or "while it may be true that..., however...". Providing a clear rebuttal to opposing arguments is crucial in making a strong case for your perspective.

Phrases for Agreeing and Disagreeing

During a debate, it is likely that there will be points made with which you both agree and disagree. Using the appropriate phrases to express agreement or disagreement can help to strengthen your overall argument. For instance, "I agree with (Name) to the extent that... However, I would argue that..." can be used to express partial agreement while also stating your own position. Conversely, "I cannot agree with (Name) because..." or "I completely disagree with the assertion that..." can be used when you strongly disagree with a point made by another debater.

Concluding Statements

Concluding statements are an important part of a debate, as this is an opportunity to summarize your main arguments and restate your position. Phrases such as "In summary...", "To conclude..." or "In conclusion, I would like to emphasize..." can be used to effectively signal the end of your argument.


Effective use of language can make a big difference in debates. Being able to express opinions clearly and provide evidence for arguments while also acknowledging and challenging opposing views is key. Utilizing common phrases and expressions can help to communicate your message effectively and engage the audience.

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