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20个英语比较级的句子(20 Examples of Comparative Sentences in English)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/11/11 9:29:36 人气:18 加入收藏 标签:ing in is he we com


As an editor, one of the most important tasks is to create content that ranks high in search engines. One effective way to do this is by using comparative sentences in your writing. Comparative sentences compare two things and show the differences between them, making your content more engaging and informative. In this article, we'll provide you with 20 examples of comparative sentences that you can use in your writing.

1. Bigger is Better

People always say that bigger is better, but when it comes to website loading times, that's not the case.

2. Faster is More Efficient

When it comes to website loading times, faster is always more efficient.

3. More Traffic Equals Higher Rankings

If you want higher rankings in search engines, you need to get more traffic to your website.

4. Smaller Words Are Easier to Read

When writing content for your website, it's important to use smaller words that are easier to read.

5. Longer Articles Provide More Value

If you want to provide more value to your readers, write longer articles that include more information.

6. Social Media Is More Effective Than Email Marketing

When it comes to marketing, social media is more effective than email marketing in reaching a wider audience.

7. Quality Content Is More Important Than Quantity

When it comes to creating content for your website, quality is more important than quantity.

8. Video Content Is More Engaging Than Text

Video content is more engaging for viewers than text content.

9. Long-Tail Keywords Have Higher Conversion Rates Than Short-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords have higher conversion rates than short-tail keywords, as they are more specific.

10. Personalized Emails Have Higher Open Rates than Generic Ones

When it comes to email marketing, personalized emails have higher open rates than generic ones.

11. More Backlinks Mean Higher Google Rankings

The more backlinks a website has, the higher it will rank in Google search results.

12. Shorter Paragraphs Are Easier to Read Than Longer Ones

Shorter paragraphs are easier to read than longer ones, as they break up the content into smaller chunks.

13. Interactive Content Is More Shareable Than Static Content

Interactive content, such as quizzes, is more shareable than static content, as it encourages engagement.

14. Original Content Is More Valuable Than Copied Content

Original content is more valuable than copied content, as it provides unique insights or viewpoints.

15. More Internal Links Improve Website Navigation

Adding more internal links to your website improves website navigation and user experience.

16. Keyword-Rich Titles Improve Search Engine Rankings

Using keyword-rich titles in your content improves search engine rankings.

17. Visual Content Is More Memorable Than Text

Visual content, such as infographics, is more memorable for viewers than text content.

18. Personalized Website Experiences Improve Conversion Rates

Personalizing website experiences for visitors improves conversion rates, as it shows that you understand their needs.

19. More In-Depth Content Leads to Higher Engagement

Creating more in-depth content leads to higher engagement from readers, as it provides more value.

20. Investing in Yields Long-Term Results

Investing in provides long-term results, as it improves organic search visibility and drives more traffic to your website.


Using comparative sentences in your writing can make your content more interesting and informative, which can lead to higher rankings in search engines and more traffic to your website. Use these 20 examples of comparative sentences to make your content stand out and engage your readers.

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