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20个英语比较级的句子20 Examples of English Comparative Sentences in a Shorter Title)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/11/11 9:25:12 人气:12 加入收藏 标签:the is in ing com


As an editor, it is important to have a strong grasp on the English language and its various grammatical structures. One of these structures is the comparative sentence, which is used to compare two things or ideas. In this article, we will explore 20 examples of English comparative sentences, and see how they can be used in content writing.

Examples of Comparative Sentences

1. This article is longer than the previous one.

2. The new website design is better than the old one.

3. My job is more interesting than yours.

4. The traffic today is worse than yesterday.

5. The competition in this market is tougher than in the last one.

6. The customer service here is better than at the other store.

7. The sales figures have improved since last month.

8. The website is more user-friendly than it used to be.

9. The new product is superior to the old one.

10. The ranking has improved since we implemented new strategies.

11. The blog post is more informative than the previous one.

12. The new marketing campaign is more effective than the old one.

13. The prices here are lower than at other stores.

14. The quality of the product has decreased since manufacturing moved overseas.

15. The website traffic has increased since we implemented social media marketing.

16. The new packaging design is more appealing than the old one.

17. Sales have been declining since the new competitor entered the market.

18. The customer feedback is more positive than negative.

19. The conversion rate has increased since we redesigned the landing page.

20. Our website loading speed is faster than our competitors.

Using Comparative Sentences in Content Writing

Comparative sentences can be used effectively in content writing to make comparisons and highlight the strengths of a product, service, or brand. Here are some tips on how to use comparative sentences in your content:

- Keep it simple: Comparative sentences are most effective when they are short and to the point. Avoid using overly complicated sentence structures or vocabulary.

- Be truthful: Don't exaggerate or make false claims in your comparative sentences. Stick to the facts and use data if possible.

- Use keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your comparative sentences to improve rankings and make it easier for users to find your content.

- Highlight strengths: Use comparative sentences to highlight the strengths of your product or service. For example, "Our product is more durable than the competition."

- Use comparisons wisely: Don't overuse comparative sentences, as this can make your content sound repetitive. Use them strategically to emphasize important points.


Comparative sentences are an effective tool for content writing, allowing you to make comparisons and highlight the strengths of your product or service. By using them wisely, you can improve your rankings and attract more customers to your website. Use the examples provided in this article as a starting point, and experiment with different ways to incorporate comparative sentences into your content.

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