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2019年英语(English trends in 2019)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/10/24 9:07:45 人气:14 加入收藏 标签:in the and English


2019 has been an exciting year for the English language with new trends emerging across the globe. From social media and technology to politics and culture, the English language landscape has been constantly evolving and adapting to the changing times. In this article, we will explore some of the major English language trends of 2019 and how they have shaped the way we communicate.

The Rise of English as a Global Language

English has always been a global language, but in 2019 it has reached new heights. English is now spoken by more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, making it the most widely spoken language in the world. This trend is largely driven by the rise of the internet and social media, which have made it easier for people from different countries and cultures to connect and communicate in English. In addition, the increasing importance of English in business and education has also contributed to its widespread use.

The Influence of Technology on English Language

Technology has had a profound impact on the English language in 2019. The rise of social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook has given rise to a new vocabulary of hashtags, emojis, and abbreviations. These new lexical items have become so popular that they have even made it into the Oxford English Dictionary. In addition, advancements in voice recognition software and artificial intelligence have also influenced the way we use English, as we interact more with machines and devices.

The Role of Politics in the English Language

The role of politics has always been an important factor in the development of the English language. In 2019, this trend has continued with the ongoing Brexit debate and the rise of political speeches and debates on social media. These events have led to a surge in the use of political language and terminology, which has in turn influenced the way we communicate about politics and current events.

Cultural Influences on the English Language

The English language is constantly evolving, and in 2019 it has been influenced by a wide range of cultural factors. For example, the popularity of K-Pop music and Korean dramas has led to the rise of new Korean loanwords and phrases in English, such as “oppa” and “saranghae”. Similarly, the growing interest in mindfulness and wellness has given rise to new English words and phrases like “mindfulness” and “self-care”.

The Future of English in 2020 and Beyond

As we move into 2020 and beyond, it is clear that the English language will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing global landscape. With the rise of artificial intelligence, the increasing importance of global business and education, and the ongoing influence of politics and culture, the English language is poised to remain at the forefront of global communication for years to come.


In conclusion, 2019 has been a year of significant growth and change for the English language. From the rise of English as a global language to the influence of technology, politics, and culture, the English language has adapted to the changing times and continues to remain relevant in our ever-changing world. As we move into the future, it is important to keep an eye on emerging trends and continue to adapt to new ways of communicating in English.

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