随着中国的国际影响力日益增强,引进来和走出去的步伐加快,越来越多的外国人开始对中华文化产生浓厚的兴趣,一些传统的春节习俗也愈发受到外国朋友的喜爱。其中,春联(Spring Festival couplets)作为春节期间必不可少的元素,引起了不少外国友人的关注。
上联:Upper Scroll下联:Lower Scroll横批:Horizontal Scrol春联是中国农历新年必不可少的元素,“春联”实际上是“春节的对联”,“对联”的英文是 couplet(/?k?pl?t/ n. 对句)。
couplet 的定义是 two lines of poetry of equal length one after the other(长度一样的两行句子)。跟中国的对联相比,英文 couplet 更注重押韵,来看一下有“英诗伏尔泰”之称的蒲柏的诗句:
True Wit is Nature to advantage dress'd
What oft was thought,but ne'er so well express'd
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.(只要人能呼吸,眼能看见;这诗行就会让你生命重现。)
英文春联(English couplets),是一种独特的文学形式。它不仅具备了中国传统春联工整、对偶、简洁的特点,同时也可看出中国文化已被世界文化吸收,形成了一种新的文学形式。由中国书法家协会会员陈飞于2011年创新得来。
英文春联除了图个吉利,还能够学英语。语法不重要,“中式”英语完全可以接受。要是出现了语法错误,人们似乎更喜欢。就像大家熟知的“Good good study, day day up”(好好学习,天天向上)一样。
上联:I've been waiting year after year. (等了一年又一年)下联:Each year lots marry, but not me. (年年结婚没有咱)横批:Wait one more year. (再等一年)
上联:Happy New Year. (新年好)下联:Money Runs Here. (钱来到)横批:Everything goes well. (万事如意)
上联:Everything is possible. (一切皆有可能)下联:Impossible is nothing. (凡事无不可能)横批:Just do it. (想做就去做吧
上联:Live as long as Captain America. (长寿如美国队长)下联:Earn as much as Tony Stark. (财富比钢铁大侠)横批:Marvel. (棒呆了)
上联 :Dragon and phoenix bring the prosperity.(丹凤呈祥龙献瑞)下联:Peach and apricot blossoms welcome the spring.(红桃贺岁杏迎春)横批:Blessing on the Land.(福满人间)
上联:Red plum's bud stands the snowy winter.(红梅含苞傲冬雪)下联:Green willow's catkin indicates the new spring.(绿柳吐絮迎新春)横批:Happy Spring Festival.(欢度春节)
上联:May you have good luck in everything.(事事如意大吉祥)下联:May you feel content and your family healthy.(家家顺心永安康)横批:Flourishing in Four Seasons.(四季兴隆)
上联:Hardwork makes a harvest year.(精耕细作丰收岁)下联:Thrift gains a handsome savings.(勤俭持家有余年)横批:Strong Country, Wealthy People.(国强民富)
上联:Everything goes well as you expect.(迎新春事事如意)下联:Career rises steadily as you want.(接鸿福步步高升)横批:Luck Knocks on the Door.(好事临门)
上联:Winter ends in splendid mountain and river landscape.(冬去山川齐秀丽)下联:Spring starts from fragrant peach and plum blossom.(春来桃李共芬芳)横批:Ring out the Old; Ring in the New.(辞旧迎新)
上联:Spring rain nourishes the plants(春雨丝丝润万物 )下联:Red plum decorates the mountains(红梅点点绣千山)横批:Spring in the Air(春意盎然)
上联:Spring returns; the land becomes warm(春归大地人间暖 )下联:Luck arrives; the people become cheerful(福降神州喜临门 )横批:Luck is Coming(福喜盈门 )
上联:Awilling mind sees nothing impossible, so the brokenpots near the sinking boats witnessed mighty Qin‘ssurrender before Chu(有志者,事竟成;破釜成舟,百二秦关终属楚)
下联:Awaiting heart regards everything available, so thedetermination from the torturing hay embraced weak Yue’s triumph over Wu(苦心人,天不负,卧心尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴)