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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2025/2/8 9:36:42 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:in 翻译 is be and




Xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì lè hū? Yǒu péng zì yuǎn fāng lái, bù yì lè hū? Rén bù zhī ér bù yùn, bù yì qín hū? 学而时习之,不亦乐乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? 翻译:To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not also a pleasure? To have friends come from afar, is that not also a joy? If people do not understand me and I do not become resentful, am I not a man of virtue?


Qiǎo yán lìng sè, xǐan hū rén. Xiào dì yě zhě, qí wéi lǐ zhī běn yǔ? 巧言令色,鲜矣仁。孝弟也者,其为仁之本与? 翻译:Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. Is not filial piety the root of benevolence?


Wú rì sān xǐng wú shēn: wéi rén móu ér bù zhōng hū? Yǔ péngyou jiāo ér bù xìn hū? Zhuàn bù xí hū? 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? 翻译:I examine myself three times each day: Have I been disloyal in carrying out plans for others? Have I been dishonest in my dealings with friends? Do I practice what I preach?


Jūnzǐ shí wú qiú bǎo, jū wú qiú ān, mǐn yú shì ér cāo, jiù yǒu ér tóng qīng, kě wèi hào xué yě yǐ. 君子食无求饱,居无求安,敏于事而慎,就有道而正焉,可谓好学也已。 翻译:A gentleman does not seek fullness in food or comfort in living quarters; he is diligent in his work and careful in his words. He frequents the company of those who can correct him. Such a person may be said to love learning.


Dìzǐ rù zé xiào, chū zé tì, jūnzǐ kuān ér bù sī, jiǎn ér bù nàn, láo ér bù yuàn, jìn rú yě, jūn zǐ zhī yóu yě. 弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁。行有不得,反求诸己。 翻译:When at home, be filial; when abroad, show respect to elders. Be trustworthy and sincere, love all, and draw close to the benevolent. If you make a mistake, reflect on it within yourself.





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