1. The cat is sleeping.
The dog is sleeping.
答案:The dog is sleeping. 仿写句子中,我们只需要将原句的“cat”替换为“dog”,并保持其他部分不变即可。
2. My mother is cooking dinner.
My father is cooking lunch.
答案:My father is cooking lunch. 仿写句子中,我们将原句中的“mother”替换为“father”,并将“dinner”改为“lunch”,便得到了新的句子。
3. The boy is running fast.
The girl is running fast.
答案:The girl is running fast. 仿写句子中,我们只需要将原句的“boy”替换为“girl”,其他部分不变。
4. I am reading a book.
She is reading a book.
答案:She is reading a book. 仿写句子中,我们只需要将原句的“我”替换为“她”,其他部分保持不变。
5. The bird is flying in the sky.
The plane is flying in the sky.
答案:The plane is flying in the sky. 仿写句子中,我们将原句的“bird”改为“plane”,并保持其他部分不变。
6. The girl is playing with a doll.
The boy is playing with a toy car.
答案:The boy is playing with a toy car. 仿写句子中,我们将原句中的“girl”替换为“boy”,并将“doll”改为“toy car”。
7. The sun is shining.
The moon is shining.
答案:The moon is shining. 仿写句子中,我们只需要将原句的“sun”替换为“moon”,其他部分保持不变。
8. The cat is drinking milk.
The puppy is drinking water.
答案:The puppy is drinking water. 仿写句子中,我们将原句中的“cat”替换为“puppy”,并将“milk”改为“water”。