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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/5/8 13:05:09 人气:1 加入收藏 标签:in and ing the


As Chinese New Year approaches, people in China are bustling with preparation for the festivities. One of the essential decorations during the Spring Festival is Chunlian (春联), also known as Spring Festival couplets. It is a traditional form of Chinese poetry that has been a part of the Chinese New Year tradition for thousands of years.

What are Spring Festival Couplets?

Spring Festival couplets consist of two lines of poetry, and usually come in a pair, with one line pasted on either side of a doorway. The content of Chunlian is meant to express best wishes and good luck for the New Year. Unlike other forms of Chinese poetry, Chunlian has strict rules regarding its content and form.

How to Write Chunlian?

The creation of Chunlian is not an easy task, and writing one requires a great deal of creativity and cultural understanding. In general, the content of Chunlian should be meaningful and auspicious, but not too straightforward. It should be well-phrased and easy to read but still entertaining. The structure of Chunlian must follow strict tonal patterns and rhythm, which is why Chunlian is often called "spoken pictures."

There are various themes of Chunlian, including blessings for good fortune, family harmony, safety, and prosperity. These themes should be expressed in a lively and poetic way. Here are some examples:

Examples of Chunlian

和气家和万事兴 (Peaceful family, prosperous life)

金鼠迎春喜事多 (Welcoming the year of the Rat with joy and happiness)

福星高照财源旺 (Blessings and prosperity in the New Year)

步步高升事事顺 (Continuous progress and smooth sailing)

大吉大利年年有 (Great luck and great profit every year)


Writing Spring Festival couplets is a way to express good wishes for the New Year and showcase traditional Chinese culture. From the strict rules of Chunlian's content and form to the meaning behind the lines, this art form requires practice, patience, and creativity. Spring Festival couplets, in all its beauty and complexity, are an indispensable part of Chinese New Year celebrations.

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