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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/25 19:38:16 人气:1 加入收藏 标签:in the me 作文




2018年6月的六级作文题目为“Should one always speak the truth?”,要求考生围绕“说谎”这一话题进行阐述。这是典型的议论文作文题目,要求考生结合自己的生活经验和社会现象进行分析、归纳和总结,展开探讨并表达自己的观点。


Many people believe that one should always speak the truth, no matter what the circumstances. They argue that honesty and integrity are crucial qualities that everyone should possess. However, in my view, telling the truth is not always the best option. Instead, there are some situations where it might be better to keep quiet or even to tell a lie.


2019年12月的六级作文题目为“What can we learn from achievements made by underprivileged groups?”,要求考生就弱势群体的成功经验进行分析和阐述。这是典型的说明文作文题目,要求考生解析事物原理,阐述相关因果关系和规律性,具有一定的科普性。


Underprivileged groups have always been underrepresented and underestimated in our society. However, their hard work, determination, and resilience have led them to achieve incredible things, despite the challenges they face. What can we learn from these achievements? In my opinion, we can learn a lot about perseverance, innovation, and the power of community support.


2021年6月的六级作文题目为“What can we learn from this year's college graduates' employment status?”,要求考生以给定的柱状图为基础,进行分析和阐述。这是典型的图表作文题目,要求考生能够观察图表,提取数据信息,归纳总结,呈现数据统计的结果。


The recent release of college graduates' employment status data shows that the employment rate of graduates has seen a modest increase compared to last year. From the given chart, it can be observed that the main sources of employment are self-employment, state-owned enterprises, and private enterprises. The data also indicates that the highest salaries are earned in foreign-funded enterprises. These findings suggest that college graduates should consider various employment opportunities and not focus solely on government jobs.


2022年12月的六级作文题目为“Write an e-mail to your instructor who has given you much help during your study in the university. You should state: Thanks for help.-Explain why you appreciate the help given by the instructor.-Mention what you have gained from the help given by the instructor.”,要求考生以写邮件的形式,对导师的帮助进行感谢,并详细说明感谢的原因和获得的收益。这是典型的实用文作文题目,要求考生结构清晰,信息准确,语言得体。


Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the help and guidance that you have provided during my University studies. Your support has been invaluable in helping me achieve my academic and personal goals.

As a result of your instruction, I have gained a deeper understanding of the course material. Your feedback and encouragement have inspired me to work harder and strive for excellence. Additionally, your mentorship has helped me to develop my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which will be valuable assets as I enter the workforce. I truly appreciate the time and effort that you have invested in my education, and I will always be grateful for your guidance.

Once again, thank you for your dedication and support.


Jane Zhang



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