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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/22 21:33:57 人气:3 加入收藏 标签:ing the

How to Pronounce Bicycle English Words?

If you're an enthusiastic cyclist or a bicycle industry professional, you'll need to know how to pronounce the English words associated with bicycles correctly. Pronouncing these words correctly will not only help you communicate more clearly, but it can also boost your credibility and professionalism. In this article, we'll guide you through the proper pronunciation of the most commonly used bicycle English words.

Common Bicycle Parts

Let's begin with the most basic and important parts of a bike. Here are some essential bicycle parts and their correct pronunciation:

Pedals: puh-dals

Brakes: breyks

Saddle: sad-l

Handlebars: han-dl-bahrz

Tires: tahy-uhrs

Chain: cheyn

Frame: freym

Riding Techniques

Whether you're riding a road bike or a mountain bike, there are some important cycling techniques that you need to be aware of. Here are some terms related to cycling techniques along with their proper pronunciation:

Cadence: kay-dns

Drafting: draf-ting

Pedaling: puh-dey-ling

Coasting: koh-sting

Cornering: kawr-ning

Straightaway: streyt-a-wey

Cycling Events

Cycling enthusiasts can't get enough of watching and participating in cycling events. Here are some popular cycling events that take place worldwide along with their proper pronunciation:

Tour de France: toor duh frahns

Giro d'Italia: jeer-oh dee-tah-lee-uh

Vuelta a Espa?a: vwel-tuh ah es-pahn-yah

Mountain Biking World Cup: moun-tn bahy-king werld cuhp

Cyclocross World Championships: sahy-kloh-kraws werld champ-ee-uh-nshipz

Bicycle Culture

Bicycles are not just a means of transport but also an important part of culture. Here are some English words related to bicycle culture with their proper pronunciation:

Foldie: fohl-dee

Bikepacking: bahyk-pak-ing

Tweed Ride: tweed rahyd

Critical Mass: kri-ti-kuhl mas

Bike-to-Work: bahyk-tuh-wurk


Pronouncing English words related to bicycles can be challenging, but with consistent practice, you can perfect your accent. Use this guide to improve your pronunciation, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Keep practicing and enjoy the ride!

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