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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/10 10:18:31 人气:1 加入收藏 标签:the in is be

How to Write Months in English

Writing the months in English may seem simple, but there are actually several rules to keep in mind. In this article, we will go through the different ways to write months in English and provide examples to help you get it right.

Writing the Full Month

The most common way to write the month in English is to write the full name of the month. For example, “January” is the first month of the year. Here is a list of the 12 months in English:













Note that the first letter of the month should be capitalized, and the rest of the letters should be lowercase.

Writing the Month with the Day

When writing a date in English, it is common to write the month with the day of the month. For example, “June 15th” is the 15th day of the month of June. Here is an example of how to write a date in English:

Today is August 26th.

Note that there is no comma between the month and the day, and the day of the month should be written with an ordinal number (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.).

Writing the Month with the Year

When writing a date that includes the year, the month is typically written first, followed by the day and then the year. For example, “July 4th, 1776” is the date that the United States declared its independence. Here is an example of how to write a date with the year in English:

The deadline for the project is October 31st, 2022.

Note that there is a comma after the day of the month when writing the date with the year.


Writing months in English may seem easy, but it’s important to follow the rules to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Remember to always capitalize the first letter of the month and use an ordinal number when writing the day of the month. With these tips, you’ll be able to write dates in English correctly and confidently.

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