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What is the Spelling of “World” in English?

As a language learner, it's natural to ask yourself how certain words are spelled, and "world" is no exception. This simple five-letter word is used and recognized all over the globe, but what many people wonder is how to spell it correctly in English.

The Correct Spelling of “World”

The correct spelling of "world" in English is W-O-R-L-D. It's a simple word with an important meaning. The word "world" represents the entire earth and everything in it - including people, animals, plants, and all natural resources.

The Origin of the Word “World”

The word "world" has Old English origins, dating back to the 9th century. The Old English word "weorold" meant "human existence on earth." Over time, the word has evolved to its current spelling and meaning. Interestingly, it's one of the few words that has remained almost unchanged in its spelling for over a millennium.

Common Mistakes with the Spelling of “World”

Although the spelling of "world" is quite straightforward, there are still common mistakes that people make when writing it, such as:

Adding an extra "o" - "worold"

Switching the positions of "r" and "l" - "wolrd"

Forgetting the letter "d" - "worl"

It's important to double-check the spelling of words before using them in any context. Even simple words such as "world" can be spelled incorrectly.

Using “World” in Context

The word "world" is commonly used in expressions and phrases, such as:

"Around the world" - indicating traveling to many different countries

"World-class" - indicating a high level of quality or excellence

"The world is your oyster" - indicating opportunity and possibilities

Knowing the spelling and meaning of "world" allows for easier communication and understanding in both written and spoken English.


The spelling of "world" is W-O-R-L-D, and it has Old English origins dating back to the 9th century. Common mistakes with the spelling of this word include adding extra letters or forgetting a letter. Using "world" correctly in context can demonstrate a strong command of the English language.

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