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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/1 12:45:58 人气:4 加入收藏 标签:ing in the and English

What is the best way to ask "How do you say this in English?"

As an English teacher or native speaker, you may often be approached by non-native English speakers who want to learn how to say a specific word or phrase in English. It can be tricky to answer this question, as there are many different ways to say things in English depending on the context. In this article, we will explore the best way to ask "How do you say this in English?" so that you can give the most helpful response possible.

Use clear and specific language

When asking how to say something in English, it's important to use clear and specific language. Don't just point to an object and say "this." Instead, use the correct name for the object and then ask how to say it in English. For example, instead of saying "How do you say this?" while pointing to a spoon, say "How do you say 'spoon' in English?". This will make it easier for the person you're asking to understand what you're referring to and give you a more accurate response.

Provide context

Another important aspect of asking how to say something in English is to provide context. Simply asking how to translate a single word out of context can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. For example, if someone asks you how to say "run" in English, you could provide multiple answers depending on the context. It could mean a physical activity or it could mean managing a business. Providing context can help the person you're asking to give a more accurate response.

Ask for clarification

If the person you're asking to translate something in English gives you a response that you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask for clarification. Instead of nodding your head and pretending to understand, ask them to explain the word or phrase in a different way or provide an example. Asking for clarification can help you truly understand the word or phrase in question and avoid any misunderstandings later on.


Asking how to say something in English can be a useful tool for non-native speakers who want to improve their language skills. By using clear and specific language, providing context, and asking for clarification when needed, you can get the most out of this tool and improve your English proficiency over time.

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