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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/29 9:38:30 人气:5 加入收藏 标签:is the in

How to Read "电视机" in English

Most people can recognize the word "电视机" – it's the Chinese word for a television set. However, if you're trying to communicate with someone who speaks English, you might need to know how to say it in that language. In this article, we'll go over several ways to read "电视机" in English.


The most commonly used word for "电视机" in English is simply "television." This term is widely understood and used by English speakers around the world.

For example, if you are in an English-speaking country and need to purchase a "电视机," you can simply ask for a television or TV. Salespeople will understand what you mean and show you options that fit your needs.


"TV" is another common way to refer to a "电视机" in English. It is an abbreviation for "television" and is widely used in everyday speech and writing.

For example, you might say "I'm going to watch TV" instead of "I'm going to watch television." Both phrases are grammatically correct and convey the same meaning.

"Television Set"

Another way to say "电视机" in English is "television set." This is a more formal and specific way to refer to the device.

For example, you might use this term in a technical manual or when discussing the technical specifications of a particular model of television.

"Boob Tube"

Finally, some English speakers use the term "boob tube" to refer to a "电视机." This term is more informal and colloquial than the other options listed above.

It's important to note that this term is somewhat outdated and may not be understood by younger generations or those who are not native English speakers.


Now you know several ways to say "电视机" in English. From the formal "television set" to the common "TV," there are many words and phrases you can use to communicate about this device with English speakers.

As with any language, it's important to understand the context in which you're using a particular word or phrase. Different situations call for different levels of formality and specificity.

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