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How to Say "Umbrella" in English

The Definition of Umbrella

An umbrella is a device used to protect against rain or the sun. It consists of a collapsible frame covered with fabric or plastic, which is open and held up by a central rod when in use and folded when not in use.

Synonyms for Umbrella

There are many different words that can be used to describe an umbrella. Some of the most common synonyms include parasol, sunshade, brolly, and rainshade.

Different Types of Umbrellas

There are many different types of umbrellas available, each designed for specific types of weather or activities. Some of the most popular types include:

Golf umbrellas

Travel umbrellas

Bubble umbrellas

Beach umbrellas

History of Umbrellas

The umbrella has been around for thousands of years, with the first recorded use of a parasol dating back to the ancient Egyptian civilization. Over time, the umbrella evolved and became popular in many parts of the world, including Europe and Asia.

How to Use an Umbrella

When using an umbrella, it's important to hold it correctly. The handle should be gripped firmly, but not tightly, and the umbrella should be angled slightly to protect the head and face from the rain or sun. If the wind is strong, it's important to hold the umbrella firmly to avoid it from flipping inside-out.


No matter what type of umbrella you choose, it's important to have one on hand for unexpected rain or sunlight. With so many different types and styles available, there's an umbrella out there for everyone.

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