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作者:学习知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/14 7:56:06 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:the in for he is


Travelling abroad can be overwhelming, especially when you have to navigate through different airports with a language barrier. In this article, we will provide you with 50 common English phrases that you can use at an international airport to make your travels smoother.

At the check-in counter

1. "I would like to check in for my flight."

2. "Here is my passport and ticket."

3. "What is the weight limit for my luggage?"

4. "Can I have a window/aisle seat?"

5. "Can you tell me the gate number for my flight?"

Security and boarding

6. "Do I need to remove my shoes and belts?"

7. "Can I bring this water bottle with me?"

8. "Is there a separate line for families/first-class passengers?"

9. "Will there be inflight meals provided?"

10. "What time will boarding begin?"

In the terminal

11. "Where can I find the restrooms?"

12. "Is there a lounge for passengers to wait in?"

13. "Can I charge my phone/laptop here?"

14. "Are there any duty-free shops in this terminal?"

15. "Can I ask for directions to my gate?"

At the gate

16. "Has the flight started boarding yet?"

17. "Can I request for assistance to board the plane?"

18. "Is there a stroller/ wheelchair available for my child/elderly relative?"

19. "Can I request for a special meal on the flight?"

20. "Can I take this carry-on luggage onboard?"

Onboard the plane

21. "May I have a blanket/pillow?"

22. "Can I request for a different seat?"

23. "What are the inflight entertainment options?"

24. "Can I have a glass of water, please?"

25. "What time is the expected arrival?"

In case of emergency

26. "Where are the emergency exits located?"

27. "Can I request for a special seat in case of emergency?"

28. "What should I do in case of an emergency landing?"

29. "Is there a doctor on board?"

30. "May I request for medical assistance?"

At baggage claim

31. "Where can I claim my luggage?"

32. "What does my luggage look like?"

33. "Can I file a missing baggage report?"

34. "Can I bring this duty-free item into the country?"

35. "Is there a luggage cart I can use?"

Transportation from the airport

36. "Where can I find a taxi?"

37. "How much will it cost to travel to my hotel?"

38. "Is there a shuttle service available?"

39. "Where is the train station located?"

40. "What is the best way to travel to my destination?"

Extra tips for travellers

41. Always keep your passport and ticket with you.

42. Make sure to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before your flight.

43. Keep your valuables in your carry-on luggage.

44. Familiarize yourself with the airport's layout before you arrive.

45. Dress comfortably and wear shoes that are easy to remove at security.

46. Always check the airport's website for flight updates and gate changes.

47. Download language translation apps to help you communicate.

48. Bring an external charger for your electronic devices.

49. Be polite and patient with airport staff and fellow passengers.

50. Enjoy your travels!


With these 50 different commonly used phrases, travelling through an international airport should be less stressful and more manageable, even if you do not speak the local language. Remember to ask for help when you need it, and always be prepared and courteous in your interactions with staff and fellow passengers.

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