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作者: 来源: 日期:2023/4/19 11:08:04 人气:172 加入收藏 标签:批量给图片加标题



以下是一个能够实现你要求的VBA代码。请注意,这段代码需要引用一个名为"Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library"的库,其中XX.X是你使用的Office版本号。在代码运行之前,请将"FolderPath"变量设置为D盘4-19文件夹的完整路径。

Option Explicit

Sub WriteFolderNameOnJPGs()

    'Set the folder path where the subfolders and JPGs are stored

    Dim FolderPath As String

    FolderPath = "D:\4-19\"


    'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject

    Dim fso As Object

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


    'Get the subfolders in the main folder

    Dim Subfolders As Object

    Set Subfolders = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath).SubFolders


    'Loop through each subfolder

    Dim Subfolder As Object

    For Each Subfolder In Subfolders

        'Get the JPG files in the subfolder

        Dim JPGFiles As Object

        Set JPGFiles = Subfolder.Files

        Set JPGFiles = fso.CreateFolder(Subfolder.Path & "\Processed").Files

        'Loop through each JPG file

        Dim JPGFile As Object

        For Each JPGFile In JPGFiles

            'Create an instance of the Image object

            Dim Img As Object

            Set Img = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")


            'Load the JPG file into the Image object

            Img.LoadFile JPGFile.Path


            'Create an instance of the Font object

            Dim Font As Object

            Set Font = CreateObject("WIA.VectorFont")


            'Set the font properties

            Font.Name = "Arial"

            Font.Size = 36

            Font.Color = 0 'Black


            'Create an instance of the TextFrame object

            Dim TextFrame As Object

            Set TextFrame = CreateObject("WIA.TextFrame")


            'Set the TextFrame properties

            TextFrame.Text = Subfolder.Name

            TextFrame.Font = Font

            TextFrame.Position = WIA.CreatePoint(Img.Width / 2, Img.Height / 2)

            TextFrame.AlignmentHorizontal = WIA.wiaAlignmentCenter

            TextFrame.AlignmentVertical = WIA.wiaAlignmentCenter


            'Add the TextFrame to the Image object



            'Save the modified JPG file

            Img.SaveFile Subfolder.Path & "\Processed\" & JPGFile.Name

        Next JPGFile

    Next Subfolder


    'Clean up

    Set fso = Nothing

    Set Subfolders = Nothing

    Set Subfolder = Nothing

    Set JPGFiles = Nothing

    Set JPGFile = Nothing

    Set Img = Nothing

    Set Font = Nothing

    Set TextFrame = Nothing

End Sub

这段代码使用Windows Imaging Component(WIC)库中的WIA对象来加载和修改JPG文件。它首先遍历每个子文件夹,然后在每个子文件夹中遍历每个JPG文件。对于每个JPG文件,代码会将文件加载到一个Image对象中,然后在图像的中心位置添加一个TextFrame对象,其中包含子文件夹的名称。最后,修改后的JPG文件将保存到一个名为"Processed"的新文件夹中。

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